Why should I cook sous vide?
Sous vide cooking utilizes precise temperature control with circulation to produce results that you can’t achieve through any other cooking technique. The reason–when using traditional methods of cooking, you don’t have control over heat and temperature. Consequently, it’s very difficult and time consuming to consistently cook great food. Food ends up overcooked on the outside, with only a small portion in the center that is cooked to the temperature you want. Food loses flavor, overcooks easily, and ends up with a dry, chewy texture.
With precise temperature control in thekitchen, sous vide provides the following benefits:
Consistency. Because you cook your food toa precise temperature for a precise amount of time, you can expect veryconsistent results.
Taste. Food cooks in its juices. Thisensures that the food is moist, juicy and tender.
Waste reduction. Traditionally preparedfood dries out and results in waste. For example, on average, traditionallycooked steak loses up to 40% of its volume due to drying out. Steak cooked via cooking, loses none of its volume.
Flexibility. Traditional cooking canrequire your constant attention. Cooking brings food to an exacttemperature and holds it. There is no worry about overcooking.